Nominate an outstanding woman for a Stepping Up Award

With a mission to preserve the stories of women often forgotten in written history, Women Stepping Up honors those who are making a difference. The awards are given in tribute to a Legacy woman who demonstrated how stepping up through the years has enriched our community. The Unsung Hero award (for tireless service) and Inspirational Leader (for being a change-agent) recognize women working today to improve the quality of life in our community. Honorees are chosen by a committee led by Jan Davies which includes Belle Igleheart Hagey, Roberta Heiman, Linda Negro and Barbara Williams.

Submit nominations for the 2024 awards online.

You may also download the form: 2024 Women Stepping Up Awards Nomination form, then mail it to Jan Davies, 4921 Kratzville Rd, Evansville, IN 47710. The form may also be emailed to